Flexible payment solutions for the technology you need

    • Why Leverage Payment Solutions?

      Dell Financial Services (DFS), part of the Dell Technologies family, delivers innovative payment solutions for hardware, software and services, allowing your organization to align and scale the cost of IT solutions with technology consumption and budget availability. 

    • Portfolio of Payment & Consumption Solutions

      Whether you are looking to pay for technology as you use it, rotate your technology every few years, manage your cash flow or finance your software purchases, we have a solution for you.

    • Pay as you use

      Flexible consumption for managing variable workloads

    • Dell Technologies on Demand

      More choice, flexibility and assurance in how you consume IT infrastructure

      Dell Technologies On Demand offers a consumption-driven, as-a-service optimized business model ideally suited for the way on-premises infrastructure and expertise is consumed in the on-demand economy.

    • About Dell Financial Services

      About Dell Financial Services

      • Dell Financial Services (DFS), part of the Dell Technologies family, is a global provider of innovative payment and consumption solutions.
      • DFS supports all customers, from small businesses up to the largest global corporations. 
      • DFS can finance any hardware, software and services solutions, allowing customers to choose how they want to consume their technology. 
      • We deliver end to end solutions across Dell Technologies, channel partners and distributors in more than 50 countries, financing over $9 billion annually.
    • Resources

      Valuable information and resources we’ve gathered for you.

    • Value of PC Refresh

      Why Lease? IDC research underscores the top advantages of leasing IT equipment instead of purchasing.

    • Storage Lifecycle Management

      Innovative payment solutions remove budget hurdles, enabling customers to modernize their IT. See how.

    • Applying the Principles of The On-Demand Economy to Technology Consumption

      Peek into how Dell Technologies is helping customers win with innovative everything-as-a-service offerings.

  • Questions?
    We're here to help.
    From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we've got you covered.
    • **Leasing, financing and other payment solutions are provided to qualified commercial customers by Dell Financial Services by or through Dell Technologies group companies ("Dell") and/or through Dell's authorised business partners. Offers may not be available or may vary by country. Not all customers may qualify for these rates. Offers may be changed without notice and are subject to product availability, eligibility, credit approval and execution of documentation provided by and acceptable to Dell or Dell's authorised business partners. Dell Technologies and the Dell Technologies logo are trademarks of Dell Inc.